The week has been filled with pride!

Pride of Britain Week

The first week back has been dedicated to the children learning about, and researching ,the many reasons we have to be proud of Britain. This is a direct link to promoting British Values within our school. We have looked closely at these values, and have realised they are strongly linked to the Gospel Values we live and breath each and every day.

In addition to all of the class work, many children spent their half term creating projects with their families- staff have been overwhelmed by the quality of them!

Pride of St Columba

The week concluded with a very heart warming ‘ Pride of St Columba’ ceremony.

Each teacher was faced with the very difficult task of choosing one child, who they felt lived their Gospel Values in school.

We also asked the children to nominate adults that they felt deserved a ‘Pride of St Columba’ award. They decided that the following people should be recognised:

  • Claire ( Mum to Dylan and Cameron) and Yanshi ( Mum to Alex and Kirk) for the regular voluntary work they do at our Breakfast Club.
  • Sister Fran and Mrs Hatton for coming in every week ( for many many years) to hear the children from year 2 read.
  • Alan, our lollipop man, for staying late to make sure we are all safe when we go to Church.
  • Jim, from the Church, who opens the Church for us when we need it.
  • Lorraine, our cook, who reads with Year 3 and Year 4 every Friday, after her work.

The whole week has been inspirational and I wholeheartedly thank everybody for their unfaltering support in providing the very best for our children.

Miss Evans




The week has been filled with pride!

Good News!

It has been a fantastic week with lots of good news and celebrations!

School took part in our first Gymnastics competition. We were proudly represented by a mixture of boys and girls. These children did really well. Mrs Lewis reported that their attitude and behaviour was exemplary! Well done children; we are all very proud of you.

We had a visitor this week, who was here to assess the attitudes to reading in our school. The visitor was very impressed and reported that we will be awarded with a Reading Quality Kitemark very soon.

We finished off the week with Chinese New Year celebrations. We had: singing, dancing, chinese food and fortune cookies – watch out for the photos of the ‘Chop Stick Challenge’

As we come to the close of the half term, I would like to thank staff , families and children for a wonderful, productive, hard working and fun half term.

Much thanks

Miss Evans




Good News!