A visit from Liverpool Hope University students – Fair Trade.

On Monday we welcomed a group of students from Liverpool Hope University.

They worked with Year 3,4,5 and 6 children to teach them about the concept of Fair Trade; this linked in very well with our Enterprise project last term.

We are very grateful to them for their exciting, inspiring and yummy lessons ( chocolate!).


A visit from Liverpool Hope University students – Fair Trade.

Number Day 2018 for NSPCC

As our families know, we had a wonderful day on Friday 2nd February when the whole school took part in Number Day 2018, in order to raise money for NSPCC.

The children looked fantastic; they really thought about their costumes and we all had lots of fun, playing games and solving puzzles. Our Maths Ambassadors did a fabulous job. We are so grateful to them for helping our younger children enjoy Maths as much as we do.

maths ambassador

We are thrilled to announce that we were able to raise a wonderful £270.

Thank you one and all.



Number Day 2018 for NSPCC